Sea bass - The Council made no decision at this meeting

0 3715
17 Dec

UK Government did a press release about sea bass level.

Cuttings from UK Government press release:

'..despite pressing hard for measures to address declining sea bass levels we were disappointed not to leave negotiations with an agreement on specific measures to tackle this issue. The UK government has led on action to improve these stocks and has now secured a commitment from the Commission to work with Member States to reduce fishing pressure at the start of the season in 2015."

UK Fisheries Minister George Eustice said:

“I was disappointed no decision was reached this year to improve bass stocks but will be following up on the Commission’s commitment to work with Member States in the New Year. The UK has been a lone voice on this issue and it is essential we achieve a balanced approach which reflects the contribution of both commercial fisheries as well as recreational anglers on declining bass numbers.”

EAA comment:

Well, back to the drawing board then. Seen in isolation, this is a good thing for angling, as what was on the table were measures nobody could call "fair or proportional" treatment of angling.

However, the stock is in trouble. The fishing pressure has to be reduced as soon as possible, to help the stock to recover, and to secure sustainable exploitation of European bass, We also need to secure a more healthy bass stock with far more of the biggest/oldest bass present in the stock composition than what has been the case since commercial trawling for bass took off some 40 years ago.

-> Read the entire press release here

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