
Datum Onderwerp
Fisheries ministers set the 2022 TACs for the Baltic Sea 29 Oct 2021 Fisheries ministers set the 2022 TACs for the Baltic Sea 0 3591 On 12 October, the European Union’s fisheries ministers agreed on the Total Allowable Catches (TACs) and quotas for the fish stocks in the Baltic Sea. The situation has been worrying for the past year... Europe’s rivers nowhere near healthy by 2027 deadline - report 25 Oct 2021 Europe’s rivers nowhere near healthy by 2027 deadline - report 0 3433 90% of river basins studied in various EU countries will still be unhealthy by 2027, new research reveals. This means those countries will miss the legally binding EU target to return Europe’s dirty f... EAA adopts its position paper on climate change 18 Oct 2021 EAA adopts its position paper on climate change 0 3254 Ahead of the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow in November, the European Anglers Alliance adopted its position paper on climate change, outlining the impact climate change has on anglers... SAVE THE DATE: EU-LIFE Platform meeting on strictly marine protected areas 15 Oct 2021 SAVE THE DATE: EU-LIFE Platform meeting on strictly marine protected areas 0 3229 In its Biodiversity Strategy for 2030, the European Commission notes worryingly that only 19% of the sea area is protected. Underlining the need to better protect our seas, the Commission set a goal o... Living Rivers Europe event: The Final Sprint for Europe’s Rivers 14 Oct 2021 Living Rivers Europe event: The Final Sprint for Europe’s Rivers 0 3050 The Living Rivers Europe, a coalition of six environmental and angling organisations (EAA, WWF, EEB, ERN, The Nature Conservancy and Wetlands International), invites you to the launch of the second ed... EVENT REPORT - Climate change impact on recreational fisheries: building resilience 08 Oct 2021 EVENT REPORT - Climate change impact on recreational fisheries: building resilience 0 3219 On 7 September, the RecFishing Forum hosted a webinar on the impacts of climate change on recreational fisheries, co-chaired by MEP Niclas Herbst and MEP Franc Bogovič. Panellists and participants dis...


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