Blue & Green - The RecFishing Forum Newsletter
The Blue & Green
newsletter is the information letter of the European Parliament Forum on Recreational
Fisheries and the Aquatic Environment. With six editions every year, the newsletter aims to inform
policymakers and stakeholders about the latest information about recreational
fishing at the EU level and the Forum’s activities. To subscribe to our
newsletter please click here.

N°43 – March 2023
- NATURE RESTORATION LAW - "Anglers are essential not only to monitor fish populations but also to maintain biodiversity" says MEP Niclas Herbst
- European anglers join more than 100 NGOs to recall that hydropower should not be considered as green energy
- 2023 fishing opportunities - Seabass: small win but European anglers will have to do without a fair bag limit - again
- EAA's Sweden member-association Sportfiskarna teaches children to protect and restore nature
N°44 – June 2023
- EVENT REPORT - Anglers advocate for more big fish in the sea!
- The European fishing tackle sector support a strong Nature Restoration Law
- We need the Nature Restoration Law adopted now!
- Sharkatag - An initiative of Dutch anglers help gather scientific data about sharks
Event - Rethinking the allocation of fisheries catches for fairer and more sustainable decisions
Marine Action Plan: The recreational anglers reiterate their commitment towards sustainable fisheries
7 measures to protect the European eel
Position papers on 2024 Baltic Sea fishing opportunities
The economic importance of seabass angling in the Netherlands