Blue & Green - The RecFishing Forum Newsletter
The Blue & Green newsletter is the information letter of the European Parliament Forum on Recreational Fisheries and the Aquatic Environment. With six editions every year, the newsletter aims to inform policymakers and stakeholders about the latest information about recreational fishing at the EU level and the Forum’s activities. To subscribe to our newsletter please click here.

Relaunching the Forum on Recreational Fisheries and Aquatic Environment
Bag limit for Western Baltic cod angling: comprehensive approach to the recreational fisheries sector needed
Danish and Swedish anglers cooperate with scientists to learn more about bluefin tuna in Nordic waters
Angling in Germany: a leisure activity, but so much more than that
A Commissioner for Environment and Oceans
The European Chemicals Agency looks into lead use in fishing tackle
Introducing ... Angling Trust
- SAVE THE DATE: Relaunching the Forum on Recreational Fisheries and Aquatic Environment
- The EAA celebrates its 25th anniversary with an eye to the future
- EFTTEX 2019: the European angling industry gathers in Brussels
- Seminar on Dam removal in Selune, France
- Fisheries Control Regulation: Need for a fair and balanced approach to recreational fisheries
- Discover the #WeAreUndefeatable campaign
Get involved to protect the aquatic environment, ensure the sustainable management of fisheries resources and build a prosper recreational fisheries sector in Europe!
- Western Waters management plan gets final green light by the European Parliament
- Time for EU Member States to implement the Water Framework Directive for real
- Fisheries Committee: next steps ahead of the elections
- A Special Year for a Special Fish: The International Year of the Salmon has started!
- Event - International Seminar on Dam removal
- New contract extends fisheries partnership with the Angling Trust
- Ancient migration mystery could be solved after eels fitted with satellite tags