
For more information about recreational fisheries please refer to the following documents: 

M.G. Pawson, H. Glenn, G. Padda, “The definition of marine recreational fishing in Europe”, 2007 

Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats (the Bern Convention), "European charter on recreational fishing and biodiversity", December 2010
R. Arlinghaus, et al., and M.J. Manfredo, “Opinion: Governing the recreational dimension of global fisheries”, March 2019

K. Hyder, A. Brown, B. Bell, K. Bradley, W. Edwards, S. A. Hook, R. Mills, J. Kroese & Z. Radford "Participation, effort, catches, and impact of COVID-19 of sea anglers resident in the UK in 2016-21", CEFAS,   29 July 2024

Data collection

"Marine Recreational Fisheries - Data Collection", Presentation given at Mediterranean Advisory Council meeting, Athens, 6 October 2015 - by Harry V. Strehlow, Thünen Institute of Baltic Sea Fisheries, and Kieran Hyder, Cefas Lowestoft

T. Vehanen et al., “Data collection systems and methodologies for the inland fisheries of Europe”, FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper No. 649. Budapest, 2020


S. Princen, S. Villasante and K. Siderius, “Information processing in the European Union’s Common Fisheries Policy”, Journal of Public Policy, 2020

M. Sanz, K. Stobberup and R. Blomeyer, “Implementation of the current EU fisheries control system by Member States (2014-19)”, June 2020


J. Freyhof, L. Bergner and M. Ford, “Threatened freshwater fishes of the Mediterranean basin biodiversity hotspot: distribution, extinction risk and the impact of hydropower”, 2020

Sea bass

European Market Observatory for Fisheries and Aquaculture Products, “Commercial and recreational fisheries for wild seabass in the Atlantic”, June 2020

Plastic litter

Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic, “OSPAR scoping study on best practices for the design and recycling of fishing gear as a means to reduce quantities of fishing gear found as marine litter in the North-East Atlantic”, May 2020

Nordic Council of Ministers, “Clean Nordic Oceans – a network to reduce marine litter and ghost fishing”, 2020

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