
Datum Onderwerp
ICES advice on Baltic Sea TACs: more challenges for recreational fishermen 29 Sep 2021 ICES advice on Baltic Sea TACs: more challenges for recreational fishermen 0 3277 At long last, ICES released its advice for both the Western Baltic cod and the Baltic salmon. This advice will allow the Commission to take scientifically based measures for those two sensitive stocks... Seabass measures: what to expect for 2022? 28 Sep 2021 Seabass measures: what to expect for 2022? 0 4073 In what will now become tradition, the European Union and the United Kingdom will shortly start their consultations with the aim of agreeing Total Allowable Catches (TACs) for shared stocks. According... New report sheds light on EU policies’ ineffectiveness to protect endangered eels 22 Sep 2021 New report sheds light on EU policies’ ineffectiveness to protect endangered eels 0 2794 On June 2021, the Fisheries Secretariat (FishSec) – a non-profit organisation advocating for sustainable fisheries in Europe – published a new report called “Annual three-month eel fishing closures: d... How far would you go to fish? A look at the German Baltic Sea anglers 15 Sep 2021 How far would you go to fish? A look at the German Baltic Sea anglers 0 3047 It is no secret that anglers are dedicated to their passion. They are able and happy to travel far and beyond to quench their passion for fishing and nature. Some of them are even ready to travel thou... Baltic Sea TACs: still some uncertainties for recreational anglers 09 Sep 2021 Baltic Sea TACs: still some uncertainties for recreational anglers 0 3190 Like every summer, the Commission published late August its Total Allowable Catches (TACs) for the Baltic Sea. However, this year, the proposal is filled with gaps and placeholders, given that the Int... Recreational anglers urge the EU to step up support for climate change adaptation and mitigation measures 08 Sep 2021 Recreational anglers urge the EU to step up support for climate change adaptation and mitigation measures 0 3497 Climate change has both direct and indirect impacts on the aquatic environment and the European recreational fisheries sector: shifts in fish stocks distributions, extreme weather events, changes in r... MEP Niclas Herbst joins EAA and Sportvisserij Nederland for a fishing trip in Amsterdam 03 Sep 2021 MEP Niclas Herbst joins EAA and Sportvisserij Nederland for a fishing trip in Amsterdam 0 3240 The Chair of the Forum on Recreational Fisheries and aquatic environment, Member of the European Parliament Niclas Herbst, was invited to Amsterdam by the European Anglers Alliance’s President, Fred B...


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