
Datum Onderwerp
EAA and EFTTA met with Commissioner Vella 30 Jun 2016 EAA and EFTTA met with Commissioner Vella 0 3097 Nine people from EAA and EFTTA, and a journalist from the magazine ‘Angling International’ met with Mr Karmenu Vella, the European Commissioner in charge of Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries... What does the EU referendum result mean for fish and fishing? 27 Jun 2016 What does the EU referendum result mean for fish and fishing? 0 2896 Angling Trust’s Chief Executive Mark Lloyd considers what Brexit may mean for fish and angling in UK. Revised Danish cormorant management plan published for consultation 24 Jun 2016 Revised Danish cormorant management plan published for consultation 0 2625 The Danish cormorant management plan in force dates from 2009. Now a revised version for 2016–2020 has been published for consultation. The plan is expected to enter into force on 1 July. “EU environment legislation: The term ‘favourable conservation status’ for species - Researchers clear up Misinterpretations” 22 Jun 2016 “EU environment legislation: The term ‘favourable conservation status’ for species - Researchers clear up Misinterpretations” 0 4290 The latest issue of “Science for Environment Policy" brings an informative article about the Habitats Directive’s concept “Favourable Conservation Status” (FCS). Law and ecology researchers have teame... Public consultation on the Multiannual plan for the Western Mediterranean Sea 14 Jun 2016 Public consultation on the Multiannual plan for the Western Mediterranean Sea 0 2418 The European Commission launched a public consultation on the Multiannual plan for the fisheries exploiting demersal stocks in the Western Mediterranean Sea. Angling rally, Sunday 5 June - 300,000 protesters took to the streets of Madrid 07 Jun 2016 Angling rally, Sunday 5 June - 300,000 protesters took to the streets of Madrid 0 4266 About 300,000 people took to the streets of Madrid Sunday to put pressure on the Spanish decision makers to change an 'inflexible' piece of invasive alien species legislation.


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