Nine people from EAA and EFTTA, and a journalist from the magazine ‘Angling International’ met with Mr Karmenu Vella, the European Commissioner in charge of Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries.
Fred Bloot, President of the EAA said: “It was a positive and fruitful meeting. Mr Vella was very informative and outspoken about his views on recreational fisheries now and in the future.”
Jean Claude Bel, CEO of the EFTTA said: “I was happy to learn that Mr Vella was well aware and appreciative of the huge social and economic importance of recreational angling in Europe”.
Jan Kappel, Secretary General of the EAA said: “I and other EAA and EFTTA officers have a good working relationship with officials within the directorates under Mr Vella. This was the first time any of us met ‘the boss’, Mr Vella in person. It was a positive experience, which left us with a good feeling about the future for recreational angling in Europe.”

From the left:
David Mitchell, Chair of EAA’s Subgroup Sea, and Head of Marine, Angling Trust
Fred Bloot, President of the EAA, and Deputy Director of Sportvisserij Nederland
Jan Kappel, Secretary General of the EAA, and EFTTA communication officer
Karmenu Vella, European Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries.
Øyvind Fjeldseth, EAA Board member, and Fisheries Consultant, Norges Jeger- og Fiskerforbund
Mark Owen, Head of Freshwaters, Angling Trust
Stefan Spahn, EAA Board member, and executive director of the Deutscher Angelfischerverband e.V.
Markus Lundgren, Biologist, Sveriges Sportfiske- och Fiskevårdsförbund
Jean Claude Bel, CEO of EFTTA
Janet Doyle, EFTTA General Manager