The EAA’s Dutch member, Sportvisserij Nederland, launched a new website and campaign aiming to attract recreational anglers from abroad to fish in their country.
This initiative, officially launched on the 1st May, gathers all the information that foreign anglers may need to plan their fishing trip to The Netherlands in a new website, accessible in Dutch, English and German: The website includes information on the best fishing spots, accommodations, guides, shops, fish species and fishing methods.
The EAA promotes angling tourism, which can also help some rural and coastal regions to create new sustainable, environmental-friendly and high-value added activities. This was, by the way, the message conveyed at the very first event organised in the European Parliament in the framework of the Forum on Recreational Fisheries and Aquatic Environment (25 March 2015) entitled “Why do we need to talk about Recreational Fisheries in the European Parliament? Economics, Environment and Rural Development”.
The European Parliament’s Fisheries Committee is currently drafting a new report on “Fisheries-related tourism” in which the EAA hopes that the angling tourism development potential will be included prominently.
The Netherlands already welcomes 50,000 anglers annually but many more could be attracted via initiatives like this one!
You can watch Sportvisserij Nederland’s YouTube promotion videos here:
Sea Bass:
Course angling: