World Fish Migration Day 2018: Connecting fish, rivers and people

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20 Dec

Save the date! The third edition of the World Fish Migration Day will take place next year on the 21st of April.

The World Fish Migration Day (WFMD) is an event organized every second year to raise awareness regarding the importance of open rivers and the difficulties faced by migratory fish species to fulfil their natural life cycle due to the barriers created in the rivers, such as weirs and hydropower dams. The event aims at a large public including students, resource managers and engineers, commercial and recreational anglers, policymakers, etc. The motto of the 2018 WFMD is ‘Connecting fish, rivers and people’. 

Around 2000 organizations from around the world will be involved in this initiative, coordinated by the World Fish Migration Foundation. Though it is a one-day celebration in principle, events will take place all over the world before and after 21 April as well. The events map can be consulted here

The map is updated continuously. If your organisation plans to or already have arranged an event for next year which fits the WFMD idea, then it can be registered and uploaded to the map via this link

Supporting associations all over the world will host local events to raise awareness and involve people in their activities, such as river clean-ups, opening of fish ways, conferences, events at schools or aquaria and field trips. 

Happy Fish 


The Happy Fish © is the ultimate symbol for people, organizations and projects that aim to recreate free migration for fish populations and the hope is that it will be incorporated into many special events that educate the public about the importance of fish migration. 

The Happy Fish symbol will travel to unique fish passage projects across the world. The Happy Fish symbol will start its travels in the United States of America. In the first year it will travel to four different locations and project sites in the USA. The following year, the Happy Fish symbol will travel to projects in other countries, educating citizens around the world about the importance of free fish migration. 

The EAA is a supporter of the WFMD. In 2016 EAA organised, together with the European Fishing Tackle Trade Association (EFTTA), an event on the Danube salmon in the framework of the European Parliament Forum on Recreational Fisheries and Aquatic Environment

A video promoting the WFMD 2018 has been launched by National Geographic Wild explorer Zeb Hogan, which can been seen here:
You can download the World Fish Migration Day brochure here.
You can remain updated on the initiatives and find an event next to you on the WFMD website.

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