Sea Bass: EAA and EFTTA ask Fisheries Commissioner Vella for a bag-limit now

0 4915
06 Jul

Today, the European Anglers Alliance (EAA) and the European Fishing Tackle Trade Association (EFTTA) have sent a request to Commissioner Karmenu Vella that the present retention ban of northern bass caught by anglers be lifted.

The retention ban is based on a scientific advice from last year. That advice included a much too high estimate for the removals of bass by the recreational fishers, and it didn’t include the commercial fishers’ discards. We complained about that at the time. Now, the data have been reassessed, and a revised scientific advice was published a few days ago. That advice presents more accurate figures, which show much less of an impact on the bass stock by the recreational fishers.

Consequently, in our opinion there is no longer a proper justification for a retention ban, which is doing much harm to the recreational angling community and the jobs and economy dependent on anglers’ spending. Therefore, we have asked the commissioner to reinstate the one bass bag-limit rule from last year as soon as possible.

● Our letter to Mr Vella and ministers can be downloaded here
ICES revised northern bass advice; published 29 June 2018; Version 2: 2 July 2018:
“Sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) in divisions 4.b–c, 7.a, and 7.d–h (central and southern North Sea, Irish Sea, English Channel, Bristol Channel, and Celtic Sea)”

Some related EAA news (find more on our website using search word 'bass'):

● EAA News 15 June 2018:
"European Anglers Alliance takes EU to Court over Bass ban"

● EAA News 24 April 2018:
“Bass and other fishes: Who owns them, and who should have access to them how much?”

● EAA News 7 Dec 2017:
"EAA and EFTTA letter to the EU Fisheries Ministers concerning sea bass 2018 management measures"

● EAA News 14 Dec 2017:
"The EU Council agrees on sea bass measures for 2018"

● EAA News 21 Nov 2017:
"Petition - Fishing for Sea Bass Is Not A Crime - Don't Let The EU Make It One!"

● EAA News 4 Oct 2017:
"Sea Bass – pilot project to improve recreational data collection agreed by Budget Committee"

● Seabass campaign film by EAA and EFTTA (4 min 40 sec). Shown in public for the first time 11 October 2016 at an event in European Parliament, Brussels.
Video: English version with French subtitles

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