Dam Removal Campaign

0 3626
27 Jul

Dam Removal Europe has published a new report “Dam Removal: a viable solution for the future of our European rivers”

The report reveals that thousands of obsolete dams in Europe disrupt the natural functioning of rivers and fish migration. 

The report mentions a number of negative effects from dams e.g.: 

● habitat loss 

● fragmentation of rivers 

● block migration routes for fish in both up and downstream directions 

● hindering sediment and nutrient transport 

● poorer water quality 

Dam Removal Europe gives these recommendations 

1. Mapping of all small and large dams in Europe and creation of a priority list for dam removals 

2. Dam removal is integrated into River Basin Management Plans 

3. Involvement of local communities to remove dams 

4. Alternatives to building new dams should be seriously considered and prioritised 

The EAA and EFTTA welcome the Dam Removal Europe’s report and the recommendations, which EAA and EFTTA support wholeheartedly. 

Removing obsolete dams is, or should be, a natural thing to do, which can only happen too slowly. Removal of obsolete dams also would make an important, and much needed, contribution to meeting requirements of the Water Framework Directive . At present, only 40% of the rivers in Europe have a good ecological status according to a recent report by the European Environment Agency (EEA).

See also the Amber project

See also EAA news 8 May 2018 about Amber’s Barrier Tracker app

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