Bass - Multi-annual management plan for Western waters adopted in Committee

0 4785
10 Oct

Yesterday the European Parliament’s Committee on Fisheries adopted Mr Cadec’s report on a multi-annual plan for the western waters. The MEPs adopted the report but decided not give to Mr Cadec the mandate to start the negotiations (the ‘trilogue’) with the Commission and Council.

Yesterday the Fisheries Committee of the European Parliament adopted with a large majority, 15 in favour, 6 against and 1 abstention, the amended report drafted by MEP Alain Cadec on a multiannual management plan for the Western Waters. The plan, which concerns also recreational fisheries, needs to be adopted by the Plenary before negotiations with the co-legislators (the Commission and the Council) can start. 

Notably, both the Northern and Southern sea bass stocks have been included in the plan as requested by the European Anglers Alliance (EAA) and the European Fishing Tackle Trade Association (EFTTA) to have the same management measures for recreational bass fisheries north and south of the 48th parallel. 

The EAA and the EFTTA would like to thank Mr Cadec for his support on this important issue and hope that the Commission and Council will agree on this provision. 


European Commission's proposal for a multi-annual plan for fish stocks in the western waters

Report as amended by the Fisheries Committee.

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