2019 European elections: European anglers committed to #ProtectEUFish

0 4701
17 May

European anglers look closely at the upcoming European elections, that are likely to have a significant impact on the direction that the European Parliament will take with regard to the role of recreational fisheries in Europe. They have launched a campaign to start mobilising the future Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) to #ProtectEUFish.

The European parliament’s 8th term has just come to an end. A 5-year mandate that witnessed an increased emphasis on the recreational fisheries sector in the EU policies and legislation. Through a series of events - organised in the framework of the Forum on Recreational Fisheries and Aquatic Environment (the RecFishing Forum) - the EU decision-makers discussed and exchanged views on a number of issues very important to the recreational fisheries sector, including: sustainable management of fisheries resources, conservation of vulnerable fish species, data collection, the Water Framework Directive, the protection of rivers and the status of recreational fisheries in the Common Fisheries Policy. 

Seizing upcoming opportunities

The next parliamentary mandate will see new opportunities and challenges for the recreational fisheries sector, such as the revision of the fisheries Control Regulation, the revision of the Common Fisheries Policy and, expectedly, various nature conservation legislation. 

Ahead of the elections, the European Anglers Alliance (EAA) and the European Fishing Tackle Trade Association (EFTTA) are inviting the EU election candidates who care about sustainable fisheries management and nature conservation to join and support the RecFishing Forum, to bring the weight and the voices of millions of European anglers to the heart of the EU decision-making. 

A success story 

Launched in 2014 by EAA and EFTTA, the RecFishing Forum brings together policy and decision-makers, NGOs, industry, scientists and other experts to discuss issues of great interest to the European anglers that are in the making or on the European Parliament’s agenda. 

The RecFishing Forum was instrumental in raising awareness among EU policy and decision-makers about important recreational fisheries related issues. The Forum has also been an essential tool for the Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) to establish a direct connection with the recreational fishing community. 

You can read more about the RecFish Forum achievements and future priorities here.

Support, join and share the #ProtectEUFish campaign. We encourage voters to make sure, before casting the vote, that their preferred party or MEP is recreational fisheries friendly! 

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