The European Parliament Recreational Fisheries Forum has a new Chair!

0 4569
21 Jan

Mr Niclas Herbst, Member of the European Parliament elected in North Germany. Following the official relaunch of the European Parliament Forum on Recreational Fisheries and Aquatic environment last November in Strasbourg, the European Anglers Alliance (EAA) and the European Fishing Tackle Trade Association (EFTTA) are glad to count on the support of Mr Niclas Herbst, who has accepted to become the Chair of the Forum for the next five years.

“Regular dialogue with anglers from across Europe is important to my parliamentary work in the Fisheries Committee. And beyond that, I am convinced that the recreational fisheries sector can provide a distinct perspective on many issues that will be very high on the Parliament’s agenda during this mandate, including in the context of the Green Deal roll out” said Niclas Herbst, reacting to the official announcement of his appointment as Chair of the Forum. 
MEP Herbst was elected to the European Parliament for the first time in July 2019. He is a member of the Fisheries Committee and Budget Committee. Originally from Kiel, a town by the Baltic Sea, he is very active on fisheries policy issues and has had an open ear for the recreational fisheries sector early on during his mandate. 
Fred Bloot, President of the EAA and Olivier Portrat, EFTTA CEO welcomed the new Chair of the Forum: “We look forward to a very constructive partnership with Mr Herbst and to lively discussions in the Recfishing Forum”.

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