Angling in Coronavirus time

0 6446
07 Apr

In case you are wondering if it is possible to go out fishing during the current Coronavirus pandemic, EAA national members associations can assist you.

Rules change among countries but, as long as angling is not completely banned in your country, and you decide to enjoy some outdoors time the general recommendations of the World Health Organisation should be followed by everyone: keep at least 1 metre distance from other people, wash your hands frequently, avoid touching your face and stay at home if you feel unwell. 

You can also find below some more information provided by EAA national members. We advise you to regularly check their website and social media to be kept updated with the latest information. 


The Angling Trust has created a dedicated support helpline for angling organisations. The association also recommends refraining from fishing until further notice, according to the Government restrictions announced on the 23rd of March. More information is available on the Angling Trust dedicated support page that is regularly updated with the latest news and is available here


The Alleanza Pescatori Ricreativi reminds that in Italy there is a completely ban on recreational fishing and reflects on the effects that the current stop could have on fish stocks. More information is available here


Like in Italy, also in France there is a complete ban on angling. The Fédération Nationale de la Plaisance et des Pêches en mer encourages all anglers and sea lovers to strictly respect the measures as the common effort is essential against the pandemic. More information available here


All events in the Netherlands are prohibited until the 1st of June and this include also fishing competition, training, courses and fairs. Anglers who want to go fishing are free to do so but Sportvisserij Nederland urges them to observe the following recommendations: 

  • Go fishing alone, even if you use a boat 
  • If possible, use rural paths in order to get in contact with as little people as possible 
  • Always keep a minimum distance of 1.5 meters. 

More information is available here


The Government of Slovenia has issued a temporary general prohibition of movement and assembly. A further notice from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food clarified that individual fishing is permitted only within the boundaries of the municipality of residence, unless the municipality decides otherwise. The Ribiska Zveza Slovenije regularly updates its website with the latest information available. 


The Danmarks Sportsfiskerfobund published some recommendations to be followed by all anglers: 

  • Keep at least 2 meters away from other people, also outdoors 
  • Wash your hands regularly and keep hand sanitiser in your can and jacket 
  • As far as possible, avoid travelling far to go fishing. If you need to travel, bring food and equipment with you to avoid buying it at destination increasing the risk to spread the infection across the country 
  • Fish as far as possible alone or eventually only with members of your household 
  • If possible, drive alone. If you are fishing with other people, arrange individual means of transportation 
  • Do not fish with elderly or with people belonging to other vulnerable groups as they are at risk of falling seriously ill if infected with coronavirus. 

All events are cancelled also in Denmark. More information is available here


Anglers in Finland are also free to go fishing and the Suomen Vapaa-ajankalastajien Keskusjärjestö has provided some recommendations to do so in a safe way: 

  • Go fishing only if you are in complete good health but stay home if you are experiencing even the smallest discomfort 
  • Go fishing only in nearby waters and avoid all travel 
  • Fish alone or with members of your household 
  • Keep a 2 meters distance from other people. 

More information is available here


Sportfiskarna urges anglers to follow the recommendations of the Public Health Authority which generally encourages outdoors activities provided that there is a limited risk of spreading the virus. 

The association is also planning a series of special activities in their own fishing waters in order to both make fishing available to the public and guarantee a safe and meaningful use of people’s free time. More information is available here


Like in Sweden, Norwegian authorities acknowledge the positive effects of outdoors activities for the wellbeing of people but caution to proceed with extra care when planning activities such as fishing trips. More information is available here and here


The Deutsche Angelfischerverband eV also recommends following the recommendations provided by the Federal and States Governments and the Health Authorities. Their message is available here


The National Coarse Fishing Federation of Ireland (NCFFI), the governing body for coarse and predator fishing representing anglers in both the North and South of Ireland have asked anglers to leave their rods at home and all club activities, league matches, open competion and coaching along with the popular Irish angling festivals are suspended until the end of May in support of front line workers and the health services island-wide. Regular updates at

Inland Fisheries Ireland notes that at present there have been no specific restrictions placed on recreational angling. However, they urge fishers to comply with the latest Government’s advice on Covid-19. They also advise anglers to take normal safety precautions when fishing and in relation to Covid-19 to take the following into consideration:
  • No non-essential travel should take place – fish in your local area
  • Avoid crowded places
  • Reduce social interactions
  • Anglers should remain 2 metres apart (roughly one rod length) from each other and other members of the public
  • If applicable, anglers should check that the fishery is open in advance of fishing
  • Anglers need to be aware that they are in areas that are not routinely disinfected or cleaned and use all precautions to keep themselves and other safe from Covid19
More information is available here.

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