RecFishing Forum event - How can angling contribute to the recovery of the EU tourism sector?

0 4524
02 Jul

MEP Niclas Herbst and MEP Grace O'Sullivan will co-chair the webinar "How can angling contribute to the recovery of the EU tourism sector?" organised by the European Parliament Forum on Recreational Fisheries and Aquatic Environment, with the support of the European Anglers Alliance (EAA) and the European Fishing Tackle Trade Association (EFTTA).

The conference will take place on the 16th of July from 10:30 to 12:30. More information is available here

The first part of 2020 was marked by the outbreak of the COVID-19 crisis which has deeply affected all segments of society. The confinement measures taken by the great majority of EU Member states to protect public health have severely impacted all business and economic activities. Specific rescue and recovery measures for the tourism sector was a strong request from the European Parliament, early on when the COVID-19 pandemic hit the EU. The strategy now proposed by the EC, which focuses also on coastal and maritime tourism, foresees some innovative ways to support tourism businesses and operators and announces the launch of a new European Agenda for Tourism for 2050.

Like many other economic sectors, the recreational fisheries one was hardly hit by the pandemic: shops and manufacturers were closed, trade flows were slowed down, fairs and travels were halted and recreational fishing was forbidden for several weeks in a large number of countries.

Given the strategy recently put forward by the European Commission to support the recovery of the EU tourism and transport sectors, the recreational fisheries sector could give an important contribution to the development of local and sustainable tourism in the EU. Anglers and recreational fisheries can contribute greatly to the transition towards more sustainable tourism practices and in making the link between conservation plans, local communities and visitors.

Angling constitutes a high-value and sustainable touristic activity especially for coastal, rural and remote areas that can only rely on a few other sources of income. Anglers contribute to the local economy by spending in shops, hotels, restaurants and support the local job market by buying tackle, renting boats and equipment or by using the services provided by fishing guides and charter companies. This fits in an important part of the Commission’s strategy, devoted to the promotion of a more sustainable model of tourism within the EU.

In this context, the round table will be the occasion to showcase several examples of angling-related tourism from different EU countries. Following short presentations, the discussion will be open to understand the role that the recreational fisheries sector can play in the development of a new model of sustainable tourism in front of contemporary challenges.

To attend, please register here

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