RecFishing Forum event on angling tourism: the report is available

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16 Sep

On the 16th of July, MEP Niclas Herbst (Germany, EPP Group) and MEP Grace O’Sullivan (Ireland, Greens/EFA Group) co-chaired a Webinar of the European Parliament Forum on Recreational Fisheries and Aquatic Environment dedicated to a discussion on the contribution of angling to the recovery of the EU tourism sector, after the COVID-19 crisis. The full meeting report is now available.

Click here to download the event report 

Some highlights:

“Comprehensive data will show the potential of the sector to deliver in a number of areas. The contribution of anglers is substantial and probably greater than our estimates. The angling community can contribute to the recovery and to building the resilience of the tourism sector”. MEP Grace O’Sullivan

“Angling tourism is only a small part of total tourism, but it is quite unique and interesting, as angling is a passion. That is why he thought anglers really want to travel and to fish. The recovery of the sector could be very fast, if the travel infrastructure is functioning”. Frank Brodrecht, CEO of Kingfisher Angelreisen

“Sea trout anglers alone spent more than 55,000 nights in the region of Fyn Island. Furthermore, the project helped create the equivalent of 38 new full-time jobs, and has a yearly turnover of at least €6.7 million. Anglers stretch the touristic season in Denmark”. Martin Porsborg Hemrich, Project coordinator for Sea Trout Funen

“The project is a unique link between tourism development and environmental improvements. It is an asset to present Fyn as a green island and a fascinating tourist destination.” Martin Porsborg Hemrich, Sea Trout Funen

“To assess the impact of recreational fisheries on certain stocks, robust data are of crucial importance. Without this data, it is very difficult for the Commission to manage and balance fish stocks and fishing activities sustainably. Financing for this data collection is available through the EMFF. So, the resources and the framework are there. And the Commission believes that the European Parliament can play an important role in raising the awareness in the importance of good quality data collection when it comes to recreational fisheries.” Evelien Ranshuysen, DG MARE

“We, as policymakers, can give better support to the {recretational fisheries} sector. There is a massive potential in a huge number of areas.” MEP Grace O’Sullivan
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