The European Anglers Alliance has adopted two new position papers with recommendations regarding the fishing opportunities and conservation measures for the Atlantic Salmon in the Baltic and the Western Baltic Cod.
Atlantic Salmon in the Baltic
All current scientific information including the latest ICES advice show clear problems for several river stocks and that the majority of weak salmon populations occur in assessment unit five in Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. Together with ICES, EAA believes that the current management involves a risk for extinction of several weak river stocks. We are therefore in agreement with ICES about the status of Baltic salmon and the need for strong salmon management in the Baltic Sea region.
Read the EAA position paper here
Western Baltic Cod
The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) published its catch recommendations for western Baltic cod (Gadus morhua) on May 31, for the year 2023. Current scientific information shows that the western Baltic cod stock suffers from both environmental factors affecting reproductive success, a previous history of overfishing and that selective commercial fishing gears that could reduce bycatch of small cod have not yet been utilised.
EAA highlights the need for a differentiated approach between commercial and recreational fisheries, taking into account the added value of recreational fisheries. It calls for alternative management measures which further lower the recreational catch without completely closing the fishing opportunities for anglers.
Read the EAA position paper here