The European Anglers Alliance (EAA) Danish member – Danmarks Sportsfiskerforbund – has started a new project called “Anglers of the Future” aimed at encouraging young people to spend more time in nature and experience various aspects of angling.
An initiative aimed at engaging Danish youth to do more outdoor activities
The Danish Sportfishing Association has launched a three-year project – “Anglers of the Future” - as of 1 November 2024 to motivate more children and young people (up to 18 years) to get out into nature and engage in angling together with other youngsters. “Anglers of the Future” – supported also by the Danish Outdoor Council – will sow the seeds of a lifelong interest in angling, nature experiences and a thriving association scene in Denmark.
The project’s long-term objective is to ensure angling will be considered as a natural choice as leisure activity by Danish children and young people "on a par with football, swimming or other general…activities" writes Sportsfiskerforbund.
"Anglers of the Future" will facilitate angling as social activity by youngsters
The project aims improving the general accessibility to angling through physical and digital efforts, as well as enhanced regional social networks and bridge-building efforts between different generations. To do so, the project will be consulted by Danmarks Sportsfiskerforbund’s Junior Committee, the Instructors’ Association and a newly established youth panel.
In times of digitalisation, and when children and young people have never been less in nature, EAA member Sportsfiskerforbund believes that there “is a need to strengthen the efforts to get children and young people to grab the fishing rod and get out into nature”.
Furthermore, Danish angling is under pressure in many ways, including an aquatic environment in poor condition, and a pressured association life.
The “Anglers of the Future” project will thus not only create a basis for youngsters to have a lifelong interest in angling but will facilitate new social gatherings, friendships and lasting outdoor memories!
Time to get active and modernize the Danish angling scene
The “Anglers of the Future” project has been originally inspired by an internal survey among all member associations of Danmarks Sportsfiskerforbund in which they called for a need for generational renewal. More than 26 member associations expressed a desire to start a junior department, and 16 associations want to further develop and strengthen their already existing junior department.
The project will thus have as primary goal to modernize and re-organize “the children’s and youth work in the Danish angling in a completely new way” says Torben Kaas, Chairman of EAA member Danmarks Sportsfiskerforbund.
To be successful, training and organisation of volunteers, development and organisation of new activity concepts and a significant digital presence must be the cornerstones of the “Anglers of the Future” project.
Hard work bears fruit - early successes
Marie Brandt - "Anglers of the Future" project leader is pleased to share that since the project kicked-off (01.11.2024) "already two member associations (Angling Association for Nykøbing F. and Omegn) have launched their junior department."
Also, the project has launched their first monthly review including news on the project website (link here), the creation of "good tips and advice" for those organisations wishing to develop a junior department - launched by Sportsfiskerforbund's Junior Committee.

Photo credits: Danmarks Sportsfiskerforbund
More information
Danmarks Sportsfiskerforbund represents the interests of 121 angling clubs active across Denmark. It gathers about 18,800 members from a truly ‘angling nation’ as around 10.3% of the Danish population goes fishing at least once a year. The project has received DKK 2.5 million from the Danish Outdoor Council.
More information on the project can be found
More information on EAA member Danmarks Sportsfiskerforbund can be found
hereThe monthly "Anglers of the Future" newsletter can be found on this page