Denmark - new recreational fishing action plan – good news!

0 11684
23 Nov

The Danish fisheries minister has published an action plan to boost recreational fishing in Denmark. EAA's Danish member organisation is thrilled. This is historic progress for recreational angling in Denmark, they say.

The minister’s press release from yesterday - 22 Nov (roughly translated from Danish):

The Fisheries Minister boosts sustainable recreational fisheries

New action plan from Dan Jørgensen to provide more fish for recreational fisheries. The Minister has six concrete initiatives to strengthen tourism, the economy and the nature experience.

Dan Jørgensen

"I am very happy about this new vision and the practical initiatives, which will increase the amount of fish in streams, lakes and fjords and thereby boost Danish sustainable recreational fisheries. There is a huge potential in Danish recreational fisheries. Now we give more Danes the opportunity to enjoy the great natural beauty, increase tourism, growth and new jobs in Water Edge Denmark," says Minister Dan Jørgensen.

Every year, recreational fishing generates approximately 2,500 jobs and three billion Kroner in turnover [ca. 400 mill. Euros]; more than half a million Danish people enjoy recreational fishing, calculations show.

More sea trout and pike for anglers

Pike fishing in areas at Zealand and Moen gets special status in a five-year trial period, so all pike caught, shall be returned to the delight of anglers and the troubled pike stock. To the benefit of sea trout angling, among other things three preservation areas where net fishing is restricted, are introduced.

"A sea trout provides up to 4,300 kr. [580 Euros] in value to society when it’s caught by an angler. I am therefore pleased and proud that we have managed to provisionally find three areas to provide many more trout for anglers. The popular [brackish water] pike fishing in South Zealand and Moen can look forward to getting pike for themselves [as all pike catches have to be released], which has been a burning desire among anglers at home and abroad, "says Minister Dan Jørgensen.

The three areas that will initially benefit from the new initiatives for sea trout, are areas around Bornholm, Norsminde Fjord and Nybøl Nor (the Flensburg Fjord). Several areas can be on the road. The first four areas where the pike will be given special status is Præstø Fjord, Stege Nor, Jungshoved Nor and Tab Fjord. Pike has a great value for anglers, but does not represent much value to commercial fishers.


The four other actions, which the minister now gets started

  1. More reefs will be protected within the designated Natura 2000 sites. In 2015 areas will be protected in the Little Belt, South Funen Archipelago, Stevns Rev, Horsens Fjord, Fynshoved, Æbelø, the sea between Romsø and Hindsholm and Nakskov Fjord.
  2. In the new Maritime and Fisheries Fund Programme more funding will be prioritized river restoration to the benefit of the aquatic environment and self-reproducing fish stocks.
  3. More control of the coastal fishing means periodic doubling of efforts targeting illegal fishing in coastal areas.
  4. A fast-working task force has been set up to look at the development of the angling tourism in Denmark.

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