Sweden - new recreational fishing figures

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Recreational fishing is not rod and line (angling) only but also other gear. Page 11: - Catches in recreational fisheries divided into fishing with hand held gears and gears such as nets, pots and fyke nets 2013. Hand held gear 11,196,000 kg vs. other gear 5,311,000 kg

This report (pdf) provides statistics on recreational fisheries in Sweden throughout 2013. The study was commissioned by The Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management and was carried out by Statistics Sweden.

A postal questionnaire was sent to 10,000 randomly selected permanent residents in Sweden. The questionnaire was sent out at three occasions during the year with questions regarding fishing activities in the most recent four months.

The statistics do not include fishing carried out by visitors to Sweden.

In this study, recreational fisheries is defined as all fishing activities carried out by those without a commercial fishing license. At sea, this includes fishing activities surrounding recreation, tourism and sports.

In lakes and rivers, catches sold from recreational fishing also are included.

During 2013, a total of 1.6 million Swedes ages 16–80 went fishing at least once, 1.2 million men and 0.4 million women. In the age group 16–30 years, 0.4 million people went fishing; for those ages 31–50, the total was 0.6 million; and in the age group 51–80 years, 0.6 million.

The total number of fishing days during 2013 was 13.3 million. Of that total, 9.2 million days were conducted in lakes and rivers and 4 million days in the sea.

The number of occasions in which handheld gears were used totalled to 40 million during 2013; the number of occasions in which nets, pots and similar gears were used was 7 million.

In 2013, the retained part of all catches equalled 16,000 tons of which 9,000 tons were caught in rivers and lakes and 7,000 tons in the sea.

The most important species for catches in inland fisheries were perch, pike, trout, crayfish and pike-perch.

The most important species for catches in sea fisheries were perch, pike, mackerel, trout and herring.

Total expenditures in recreational fisheries are estimated at SEK 5.8 billion of which SEK 2.3 billion was in short-term costs such as fishing equipment, travelling, fishing guides, food and accommodation.

Expenditures in long-term investments such as boats and more costly fishing equipment equalled SEK 3.5 billion.

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