European Elasmobranch Association Annual Scientific Conference 2014

0 2720
11 Dec

The European Elasmobranch Association Annual Scientific Conference 2014 was held in Netherlands 7-9 November; Sharks International Symposium 2014.

Photo: Basking shark, Charles Hood

This breakout session:

“Answering today’s policy questions through an integrated and collaborative research/tagging programme for (highly) migratory European elasmobranch species with close links to citizen science” concluded that that there is need for an integrated and collaborative elasmobranch research programme across Europe as so many of our elasmobranch species are highly migratory, endangered or data deficient, which is recognized in the EU action plan on sharks (rays, skates and chimaeras included).

It was agreed to apply for start‐up funding in order to employ full time personal to the project

Countries in attendance/expressed interest:

  • UK
  • Netherlands
  • France
  • Italy
  • Spain (inc. Canary Islands)
  • Denmark
  • Croatia
  • Adriatic group (Albania, Montenegro, Slovenia)
  • Israel
  • Germany

It was also concluded that sharks are worth more alive to the aquatic ecosystem, angling and eco-tourism than as dead commercial catch.

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