Sea bass debate Dutch parliament

0 4104
11 Dec

Yesterday, a sea bass debate took place in the Dutch parliament. Ms Sharon Dijksma, State Secretary for Economic Affairs told some about what she will push at the fisheries Council meeting Monday-Tuesday next week.

It concerns the sea bass measures to be adopted - or dismissed - by the EU ministers:

- Bag limit: Two bass per person (not one only as the Commission has proposed. Also UK will request a two bass bag limit)

- Dutch policy is already agreed that the minimum landing size should be increased from the present 36cm (where no bass spawn) to 42cm (where some bass spawn) but only for rod and line fishing (recreational as well as commercial.

- The fisheries areas, where much commercial fishing on spawning fish take place should be extended (the Commission has proposed ICES area VIIe only).

-> Read more at the website of Sportvisserij Nederland (Dutch)

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