Discard ban (landing obligation)

0 3912
17 Dec

From yesterday's Council Agriculture and Fisheries meeting.


Page 33:

Implementation of the landing obligation

The Presidency briefed the ministers about the progress of discussions between Council and EP on the "omnibus" regulation, in preparation for the implementation of the landing obligation.

The Presidency indicated that the first scheduled trilogue took place on 10 December 2014.

- note by EAA: An introduction to and critics of 'trialogue' here: www.euractiv.com/future-eu/trilogues-boost-influence-majori-analysis-515205

Parties made good progress on a number of issues but an agreement on the whole package could not be reached due to diverging views on the scope.

The Parliament argues in favour of limiting the scope of the proposal to 2015 only (pelagic fish and Baltic Sea) while the Council continues to insist that the "omnibus" regulation should cover all phases of the landing obligation.

While supporting the Presidency's efforts and approach, many member states regretted the delay in the preparations of the "omnibus" regulation. They expressed concerns on the possible inconsistencies generated by this situation and urged the Presidency and the Commission to finalise an agreement with the Parliament as soon as possible.

A central objective of the reformed common fisheries policy (CFP) is the progressive elimination of discards in all EU fisheries through the introduction of an obligation to land all catches. In order to make the landing obligation operational certain provisions within the current technical measures and control regulations should be removed or amended. All the identified changes were combined in a single text, so called "omnibus" regulation proposed by the Commission.

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