The Intergroup on Aquatic Environment and Recreational Fisheries launches its campaign in the European Parliament

0 2773
24 Jul

On July 16th 2014, the Secretariat of the Intergroup on Aquatic Environment and Recreational Fisheries, provided by the European Anglers’ Alliance (EAA) and the European Fishing Tackle Trade Association (EFTTA), organised a cocktail event to launch the campaign for the creation of a discussion group in the European Parliament which would focus on the Aquatic Environment problems that affect fisheries and the welfare and experience of recreational fishermen.

Much legislation dealt with by the European Parliament has a direct impact on fish stocks and the aquatic environment and thereby the quality of the recreational fishing experience and wellbeing of the recreational fishing community. This is why EAA and EFTTA support the creation of an “Intergroup on Aquatic Environment and Recreational Fisheries”.

The objectives of the creation of this Intergroup are:

  • Improving the contact and communication between the MEPs and their 25 million angling constituents;
  • Serving as a forum for discussion on fish stocks, recreational fishing, environment, rural development, fishing tourism;
  • Giving MEPs access to EAA and EFTTA in-house experts and broad network of scientists.

The Intergroup plans to be regularly organising meetings about aquatic environment issues on the European Parliament such as: water quality; sustainable fish stocks; aquatic energy, hydropower and dams; rural development; fishing tourism etc.

The campaign for the “Intergroup on Aquatic Environment and Recreational Fisheries” aims at getting the support of at least three political groups and gathering the signatures of all the supporting Members of the European Parliament (MEPs).

RecFishing Intergroup Secretariat
Cécile Fouquet
+32 (0) 2 791 76 10 

Twitter: @RecFishingEP
Intergroup’s website
Intergroup’s Leaflet
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