EAA supports a total driftnet ban in the Mediterranean Sea

0 3154
20 May

Today, EAA informed the advisory council for the Mediterranean Sea (MED AC) that we support the driftnet ban as proposed by the European Commission and justified like this here.

EAA is a full member of the MED AC

Our message to the MED AC of today:

Dear Med AC,

EAA supports the Commission’s proposal to ban all drifnetting in the Mediterranean Sea for all the reasons mentioned by the Commission here:

"Questions and answers on full driftnet ban"

We find that the arguments we have heard against a ban are speculative and politicised.

There are other fishing gear available as substitution for driftnets. Concerning the cost the Commission says:

“The European Maritime Fisheries Fund (EMFF), depending on each Member State's needs and inclination, could be used to support the transition towards a total ban of the small-scale driftnet fisheries. For instance it could be used to substitute currently legal driftnets with other fishing gears in the fishing licence provided that the new fishing gear is more selective and that the substitution is done before the entry into force of the driftnet ban.”


European Anglers Alliance, EAA
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