Angling delegation met with MEP Pavel Poc, European Parliament's rapporteur on Invasive Alien Species (IAS)

0 3244
06 Nov

Yesterday (5 November) representatives of EAA, Angling Trust (member of EAA) and EFTTA, the European Fishing Tackle Trade Association met with Mr Poc to give input to his draft report on invasive alien species to be presented later this month to the Members of the Parliament.

Mr Poc's report is a draft for the European Parliament's response to the EU Commission's:

"Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on the prevention and management of the introduction and spread of invasive alien species"

EAA and EFTTA are extremely worried about invasive alien species, which threaten biodiversity and eco-systems. We welcome the Commission's legislative proposal though we see a need for a few changes. For example we find it counter-productive to initially cap the number of priority species to the top 3% of the ca. 1500 invasive alien species as proposed by the Commission. There should be no limit to allow for inclusion of more IAS species from the outset. There also is a need to secure ear-marked money to the early warning and rapid response system. The Member States need to be capable - across the borders - to react rapidly when new invasive alien species are identified.

EAA and EFTTA have been involved with the Commission's draft proposal in the preparation phase and continue to be involved with this piece of legislation till its final adoption by the Parliament and Council next year.

Aside this EU legislation also the Council of Europe is working on IAS. This draft is pending:

“European Code of Conduct on Recreational Fishing and Invasive Alien Species”

The code is scheduled for adoption in 2015. The draft was worked out by Mark Owen, head of Angling Trust's freshwater team. Mark Owen was one of the three angling people who met with Mr Poc yesterday.

Link: Invasive Alien Species, European Commission DG Environment


- The Committee on Environment vote is scheduled for 12 February.

- The plenary vote is scheduled for 11 March.

- An IAS seminar is scheduled by Mr Poc for 17 December with another one to follow next year close to the plenary vote.

Picture above from left: Mark Owen, Angling Trust; MEP Pavel Poc: Jan Kappel, EAA and EFTTA; Sarunas Zableckis EAA and EFTTA
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