Fish stocks in the Mediterranean are shrinking. Some are on the verge of depletion. All in all, 93% of the fish stocks assessed are over-exploited.
In order to put an end to the dramatic decline of fish stocks in the Mediterranean, the EU Commissioner in charge of Fisheries has launched a Strategy focused on reducing the fishing impact in this sea.
To achieve sustainable fisheries in the Mediterranean, co-operation is needed between EU and neighbouring countries around the
Mediterranean Sea. Commissioner Karmenu Vella has announced that EU is willing to take
the lead and has already been in contact with Algeria, Turkey and Tunisia.
“There is a shared sense that action is needed across all stocks. Only a
comprehensive approach and a sense of engagement from all actors and countries
around the basin can produce concrete results”, the Commission said in a press
For the latest review of the State of Fish stocks in the Mediterranean click
For the press release by DG MARE click