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European fishing tackle trade stands in support of clean and healthy waters 30 Apr 2020 European fishing tackle trade stands in support of clean and healthy waters 0 4091 The European Fishing Tackle Trade Association (EFTTA), a long-standing partner of the EAA, has joined forces with 22 companies and stand with the 375,000 European citizens who have urged the European ... Helping the angling communities to cope with the COVID-19 lockdown: Angling Trust launched a new website 22 Apr 2020 Helping the angling communities to cope with the COVID-19 lockdown: Angling Trust launched a new website 0 4207 With most European countries in COVID-19 lockdown, it is more important than ever to take care of people’s mental as well as physical health. For instance, the Angling Trust, EAA British member, has l... World Recreational Fisheries Conference to take place in July 2021 20 Apr 2020 World Recreational Fisheries Conference to take place in July 2021 0 4087 Because of the current coronavirus crisis, it has been decided to move the World Recreational Fishing Conference (WRFC) to 2021. The conference was initially planned to take place this summer in the N... German anglers take action as water improvers 10 Apr 2020 German anglers take action as water improvers 0 4534 The Water Improver campaign was launched in January by EAA’s German member DAFV (Deutscher Angelfischerverband e.V.) in cooperation with the biggest german fishing magazine Blinker and the retail chai... Angling in Coronavirus time 07 Apr 2020 Angling in Coronavirus time 0 6269 In case you are wondering if it is possible to go out fishing during the current Coronavirus pandemic, EAA national members associations can assist you. The untapped potential of recreational angling tourism 20 Mar 2020 The untapped potential of recreational angling tourism 0 4515 Recreational angling is a leisure activity that allows people to be in contact with nature, friends and family. This popular hobby gives people the opportunity to relax and to spend quality time with ... EU pilot project on recreational fisheries control finally underway 06 Mar 2020 EU pilot project on recreational fisheries control finally underway 0 5039 The pilot project funded by the European Commission to implement a control scheme for recreational fisheries catches of selected species is underway. The European Anglers Alliance (EAA) and the Europe... European anglers call for a fishing ban in the Rhine estuary 04 Mar 2020 European anglers call for a fishing ban in the Rhine estuary 0 4596 At the beginning of February, Stefan Spahn, Department Manager at the German Anglers Association (Deutscher Angelfischerverband e.V. - DAFV), handed over a petition to the Rhine Ministerial Conference... Croatia’s EU Council Presidency presents fisheries priorities 25 Feb 2020 Croatia’s EU Council Presidency presents fisheries priorities 0 4251 Since the 1st of January, Croatia has taken over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Every six months, one of the 27 Member States of the EU takes the Presidency of the Council. Less ... EU recreational fisheries sector advocates for full recognition in the Common Fisheries Policy 21 Feb 2020 EU recreational fisheries sector advocates for full recognition in the Common Fisheries Policy 0 5213 Anglers made the case at the European Parliament that a full recognition of the recreational fisheries sector in the Common Fisheries Policy is needed in order to properly manage public access to fish... The revision of the fisheries control system ongoing in Brussels 14 Feb 2020 The revision of the fisheries control system ongoing in Brussels 0 4929 The European Commission published its proposal for a revision of the fisheries control regulation in May 2018. The European Parliament and the Council of the EU started to work on the text back then b... North Sea and North Western Waters: Evaluation by EFCA suggests widespread non-compliance with the landing obligations 03 Feb 2020 North Sea and North Western Waters: Evaluation by EFCA suggests widespread non-compliance with the landing obligations 0 4259 The European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA) has published three compliance evaluation reports which suggest that non-compliance with the landing obligation has been widespread in the North Sea and No... World Fish Migration Day 2020: Love Flows 31 Jan 2020 World Fish Migration Day 2020: Love Flows 0 4295 Save the date! The fourth edition of the World Fish Migration Day will take place on the 16th of May 2020. RecFishing Forum event - 'Recreational fisheries in the EU: state of play, governance, perspectives' 30 Jan 2020 RecFishing Forum event - 'Recreational fisheries in the EU: state of play, governance, perspectives' 0 4383 MEP Niclas Herbst will chair the conference "Recreational fisheries in the EU: state of play, governance, perspectives" organised by the European Parliament Forum on Recreational Fisheries and Aquatic... The European Parliament Recreational Fisheries Forum has a new Chair! 21 Jan 2020 The European Parliament Recreational Fisheries Forum has a new Chair! 0 4406 Mr Niclas Herbst, Member of the European Parliament elected in North Germany. Following the official relaunch of the European Parliament Forum on Recreational Fisheries and Aquatic environment las... Productive meetings of the EAA Sea and Rivers Subgroups in Amsterdam 17 Jan 2020 Productive meetings of the EAA Sea and Rivers Subgroups in Amsterdam 0 3959 Last week the EAA Sea and Freshwaters Subgroups were convened in Amsterdam. Fruitful discussions took place amongst EAA members and partners on key angling issues and priorities for 2020 and the next ... The European Green Deal: An opportunity to secure clean and healthy waters 13 Jan 2020 The European Green Deal: An opportunity to secure clean and healthy waters 0 4355 The European Green Deal, presented by Commission President von der Leyen last December, is one of the most ambitious proposals put on the table by the newly appointed European Commission. The strategy... EU Ministers agree sea bass management measures for 2020 19 Dec 2019 EU Ministers agree sea bass management measures for 2020 0 6155 After a long night of negotiations, EU Fisheries Ministers found an agreement on the 2020 fishing opportunities, including new management measures for sea bass in Northern and Southern waters. The Eur... New report draws grim picture of the state of the environment in Europe 17 Dec 2019 New report draws grim picture of the state of the environment in Europe 0 4245 The latest “State of the Environment Report 2020” published by the European Environment Agency (EEA) at the beginning of December paints a very bleak picture of the EU environmental performance. Christmas comes early for rivers and nature: European Commission concludes EU water law is “fit for purpose” 12 Dec 2019 Christmas comes early for rivers and nature: European Commission concludes EU water law is “fit for purpose” 0 6850 The European Commission’s final evaluation of EU water legislation has concluded the EU Water Framework Directive to be “fit for purpose”, acknowledging that the objectives of the law “are as relevant...


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