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European Commission unveils proposal to tackle marine litter 19 Jan 2018 European Commission unveils proposal to tackle marine litter 0 2500 This week the European Commission unveiled the first Europe-wide strategy on plastics which is a further step of the transition towards a more circular economy. It includes new measures to tackle mari... The next event of the RecFishing Forum will look into the state of play of recreational fisheries in the EU 10 Jan 2018 The next event of the RecFishing Forum will look into the state of play of recreational fisheries in the EU 0 2411 The next event organised by the European Parliament Forum on Recreational Fisheries and Aquatic Environment, entitled “State of play of recreational fisheries in the EU: The anglers’ point of view & t... World Fish Migration Day 2018: Connecting fish, rivers and people 20 Dec 2017 World Fish Migration Day 2018: Connecting fish, rivers and people 0 3229 Save the date! The third edition of the World Fish Migration Day will take place next year on the 21st of April. The EU Council agrees on sea bass measures for 2018 14 Dec 2017 The EU Council agrees on sea bass measures for 2018 0 8170 In the early morning of the 13th of December, the Council of the EU came to an agreement regarding sea bass management in EU waters. EAA and EFTTA letter to the EU Fisheries Ministers concerning sea bass 2018 management measures 07 Dec 2017 EAA and EFTTA letter to the EU Fisheries Ministers concerning sea bass 2018 management measures 0 4824 In view of next week meeting of the Agriculture and Fisheries Council, The EAA and EFTTA have sent the following letters to the EU fisheries ministers to ask them to not make it illegal for members of... Recreational fisheries resolution pending at the European Parliament 24 Nov 2017 Recreational fisheries resolution pending at the European Parliament 0 3046 On the 21st of November, the PECH Committee of the European Parliament held a first exchange of views on MEP Norica Nicolai’s draft for a resolution on the ‘state of play of recreational fisheries in ... Petition - Fishing for Sea Bass Is Not A Crime - Don't Let The EU Make It One! 21 Nov 2017 Petition - Fishing for Sea Bass Is Not A Crime - Don't Let The EU Make It One! 0 4662 The EU wants to make it illegal for the public to catch or keep any sea bass in 2018. This is unfair and disproportionate. The European Anglers Alliance, representing anglers across Europe, is callin... Cormorant management – European Parliament 15 Nov 2017 Cormorant management – European Parliament 0 6627 In view of this week’s European Parliament plenary session, MEP Annie Schreijer-Pierik, together with other colleagues of the EPP group, submitted an amendment to a Motion for a Resolution on an “EU A... Sea Bass – EP Plenary adopted the 2018 budget resolution including a pilot project to improve recreational data collection 10 Nov 2017 Sea Bass – EP Plenary adopted the 2018 budget resolution including a pilot project to improve recreational data collection 0 5962 The EAA is very pleased that the pilot project «Control scheme for sea bass recreational catches», which was approved by the Budget Committee of the European Parliament on the 26th of September, has b... Study on recreational fisheries presented in the European Parliament 27 Oct 2017 Study on recreational fisheries presented in the European Parliament 0 2894 On the 10th of October, the study “Marine recreational and semi-subsistence fishing - its value and its impact on fish stocks” - funded by the European Parliament - was presented to the Fisheries Com... Successful tagging of 18 bluefin tuna in Denmark and Sweden 19 Oct 2017 Successful tagging of 18 bluefin tuna in Denmark and Sweden 0 4778 For the first time ever tagging of bluefin tuna has taken place in Danish and Swedish waters. The tags will collect important knowledge of the tuna that are present in Scandinavia after more than 50 y... Recreational fishing fosters thriving Marine Protected Areas 11 Oct 2017 Recreational fishing fosters thriving Marine Protected Areas 0 2579 Balance conservation with recreational activities which engages people in the stewardship of the marine environment – that was one key message given at a conference where experts discussed what role a... Sea Bass – pilot project to improve recreational data collection agreed by Budget Committee 04 Oct 2017 Sea Bass – pilot project to improve recreational data collection agreed by Budget Committee 0 6285 On the 26th of September, the Budget Committee of the European Parliament approved a 300,000 euros recreational sea bass pilot project. The project, and the whole of the EU 2018 budget, will be voted ... Recreational Fisheries Mentioned at the Annual Seminar on the Status of European Fish Stocks 02 Oct 2017 Recreational Fisheries Mentioned at the Annual Seminar on the Status of European Fish Stocks 0 2389 On the 26th of September, the annual Seminar on the Status of European Fish Stocks and the Economic situation of European fishing fleets took place in Brussels. As mentioned by João Aguiar Machado, Di... EU Parliament adopts provisions for recreational fisheries in proposal for a North Sea Multi-Annual Plan 22 Sep 2017 EU Parliament adopts provisions for recreational fisheries in proposal for a North Sea Multi-Annual Plan 0 2751 On the 14th of September, the European Parliament plenary adopted amendments to the European Commission’s proposal for a Multiannual plan for North Sea demersal fish stock. Successful bluefin tuna tagging in Sweden and Denmark 11 Sep 2017 Successful bluefin tuna tagging in Sweden and Denmark 0 7781 A complete success! The data from these tagged bluefin tunas will help to improve the management and thereby contribute to the return of strong tuna stocks in our northern waters, says Markus Lundgren... About the 2017 EAA General Assembly in Lausanne 07 Sep 2017 About the 2017 EAA General Assembly in Lausanne 0 2658 This year, the European anglers met in Lausanne (Switzerland) at the end of August for the annual general assembly of the European Anglers Alliance that was hosted by the Federation Suisse de Peche en... EU Commission proposes eel fisheries ban in the Baltic Sea 01 Sep 2017 EU Commission proposes eel fisheries ban in the Baltic Sea 0 3489 The European Commission proposes a ban on Baltic Sea eel fisheries due to “alarming scientific evidence and historically low levels”. Eels caught accidentally will have to be released instantly. The b... Meet the anglers: Deutscher Angelfischerverband 23 Aug 2017 Meet the anglers: Deutscher Angelfischerverband 0 2374 The Deutscher Angelfischerverband (DAFV - German Anglers Association) is the umbrella organisation of anglers in Germany. It counts around 520.000 members affiliated through regional clubs. The DAFV i... Baltic salmon - A resource for the future 18 Aug 2017 Baltic salmon - A resource for the future 0 3159 Enjoy the video "Baltic salmon - A resource for the future" realised by the Baltic Salmon Fund with the contribution of the European Anglers Alliance.


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